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CSOL Academy 2023

CSOL Academy 2023
CSOL Academy 2023

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Virtual Class

About the event

We are pleased to announce the inaugural CSOL Academy, a no-fee summer school to be held fully online on June 26-30, 2023. The Academy is organized by the Carnegie School of Organizational Learning, a community of scholars interested in organizational theory, learning, decision-making, and adaptation. We are seeking out a diverse group of participants, old and new to the field, who would like to deepen their knowledge about the “Carnegie School.”

The motivation for the summer school is to facilitate the dissemination of foundational ideas and recent developments in the tradition of the Carnegie school. The summer school will be taught by scholars:

Chengwei Liu

Daniel Newark

Daniella Laureiro Martinez

Ella Miron-Spektor

Henning Piezunka

Gurneeta Vasundeva Singh

Mahka Moeen

John Chen

Marlys Christianson

Scott Turner

Tentative topics covered include learning curves & team learning, routines & evolutionary theory, attention & learning, performance feedback & aspirations, vicarious/social learning, exploration & exploitation, learning mistakes,  improvisation, learning aggregation, and organization structure & learning, and ecologies of learning. The program structure will involve each senior scholar giving a 1h pre-recorded lecture, suggesting a list of key readings complementing that lecture, and a live virtual 90min seminar as well as panel discussions, and guided group work.

Participants will be expected to read seminal articles in the field, watch the pre-recorded lectures, and be prepared to ask questions in the live virtual seminars. There is no fee for attending the summer school. The program structure will involve each scholar giving a one-hour pre-recorded lecture, a list of key readings complementing that lecture, a live virtual 90-minute Zoom seminar, and panel discussions. The participants will also have full access to all the materials from last year.

Topics to be covered in this year's Academy include (tentatively):

  • Cognitive foundations of learning
  • Endogenous uncertainty in real options and entrepreneurial entry
  • Searching for expertise
  • Organizational learning and creativity
  • Sensemaking
  • Learning curves
  • Learning in networks and ecosystems
  • Firm and industry co-evolution
  • Routine dynamics
  • A behavioral theory of smart contrarianism.

See more:

CSOL Academy Organizing Committee:

Emanuel Ubert (Erasmus University), Jose Arrieta (University of Amsterdam), Daniella Laureiro Martinez (ETH-Zurich), David Maslach (Florida State University), John Joseph (Merage, UC-Irvine), and Phanish Puranam (INSEAD)

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